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*The green buttons contain the full extent of the work displayed.


News Article Writing (News with Newsroom, Instagram)

Sample writing I did for "News with Newsroom" (NNR) a weekly recap series of the latest news that youths should know about. NNR is associated with Official Newsroom, a student-led news group in Singapore Polytechnic.  Attached are some examples of writing I have done.

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OTHER Magazine Articles - Makeup & Accessories (TJ CA3)

Articles I wrote focusing for a student magazine project, OTHER. I wrote two articles for the Makeup and Accessories section on pages 12 and 13. This was for the module "Total Journalism".

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Commentary/Opinion Column (NWG CA1)

An opinion column article on the Graffiti of Singapore. This was for the module "News Writing for the Global Audience".

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Profile Piece Article (NWG CA2 & CA3)

A profile piece article on Madam Sharifah,  who works as a teacher aid for students on the autism spectrum.  I also conducted an interview with Madam Sharifah. This was for the module "News Writing for the Global Audience".

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"Seeking Shelter" Photojournalism Project  (TJ CA2)

A photojournalism project on cat shelters in Singapore. This was for the module "Total Journalism".

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Documentary Narration (ID CA1)

A practical test for documentary narration  on Tojinbo, an infamous cliff known as a hotspot for suicide in Japan. This was for the module "Intro to Documentary".

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Radio News Writing (TJ CA1, PART II)

This assignment tested my ability to write Radio News Scripts.  Attached are two sample writings.

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